

Every year, thousands of people find their holiday spirit dampened by accidents involving ladders. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, nearly 15,000 injuries related to holiday decorating occur annually in America (Consumer Product Safety Commission, 2021). A substantial number of these incidents involve individuals falling from ladders while attempting to hang Christmas lights.

At Lite Away, we believe in creating safer, brighter holidays. Our professional light installation service eliminates the risk of ladder-related injuries, allowing you to enjoy the festive season without unnecessary worry. With years of experience, state-of-the-art equipment, and a commitment to safety, our trained installers ensure that your holiday decorations shine brightly and securely.

With Lite Away, you’re not just hiring a service, you’re investing in peace of mind. This year, let us take on the heights, the chill, and the challenges of installing holiday lights. Bask in the warmth of the season from the safety and comfort of your home, while we transform your space into a radiant spectacle of holiday joy. Choose Lite Away, because we believe in lighting up your holiday spirit, not your risk factor.

Reference: Consumer Product Safety Commission. (2021). Deck the Halls Safely: CPSC Estimates More Than 15,000 Holiday Decorating Injuries During November and December.

Our Company

Lite Away is a service provided by Bite Away Termite and Pest Control, Inc. We’ve been providing exceptional termite and pest control services to San Diego since 2005, and now we bring joy to the holidays with festive lighting solutions.

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